Our Sea Monkeys are doing great, a little bigger and our first feeding day is finally here. Connor, once again, wants to empty the entire contents of the pouch. I once again explain the concept of feeding a prescribed amount each day. I instruct Connor to pour in one spoonful and he does a great job (Thanks, Montessori!). The food is a green powder. At this point I think Connor understands. Sea monkeys doing great!
If you only like tales of Sea Monkeys swimming happily ever after – stop reading now!
You have been warned...
The next day, the food pouch sits next to the habit, seemingly waiting to be poured into the habitat in its entirety. This has been Connor’s desire all along – his destiny! Now it is easy, because the pouch is already open. At some point, feeling a bit mischievous, Connor realizes he is not being supervised. He seizes the opportunity and he dumps the food pouch into the habitat! He actually tells us he fed the Sea Monkeys. He is grinning like the cat that just swallowed the canary!
I know exactly what he means, but I run to the habitat anyway with a glimmer of hope that he is joking or only fed them one spoonful! If it were a movie, the scene would be played in slow motion, and I would be shouting, “Nooooooooooooooooooo” as I run through the house. Not pretty (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 Extremous Overfeeding of Artemia Nyos
Can they be saved?