Sea Monkeys ad seen in many comic books during the 1970s
The experience for a child during the 70s went something like this… Wonder: You can’t believe you are going to have these Sea Monkeys as pets! The little Sea Monkey family looks so cute! Disappointment: You must wait 24 hours for the water conditioner to establish the habitat before you experience your “instant pets”. Wonder: You wonder if you can really see them, but finally you focus in on little creatures darting about - Cool! Disappointment: Although you have probably been told, you eventually learn first hand that the Sea Monkeys depicted on the package look nothing like the Sea Monkeys in your little aquarium. Wonder: Its fun to show your new little world to family and friends. You explain to them that it is silly of them to think that the Sea Monkeys would look like the cartoons on the package. Ultimately, the little aquarium gets a little fishy smelly, probably cloudy, and you wonder if they are still alive. Finally, the little aquarium somehow disappears.
It is time. According to my calculations, based loosely on Chaos Theory, I felt it was time for young Connor to experience the phenomena known as Sea Monkeys. Even as an adult, I was once again duped by slick marketing and cuteness. The classic Sea Monkey caricatures were gone from most of the packaging (relegated to the instruction booklet), but you now have the opportunity to raise your Sea Monkeys in new Mini Worlds! I chose The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys on the Moon! The kit includes a habitat with a moon landscape and adorable little aliens.

Far Out! I never had Sea Monkeys of my own, but I always had an interest in any type of "pet". Good luck!
Hi Lance,
Live in Birmingham, England, My Children have had sea Monkeys for five years now, they just keep reproducing,great pets, only need to feed them once a week.
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