Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fall Vacation 2007 / Part I / The Journey to ABQ

Several blog entries will be dedicated to our fall vacation to Albuquerque (ABQ) early in October. My relatives in ABQ include my parents and my sister’s family. We timed our trip to coincide with the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta!

The first entry is dedicated to the journey to ABQ. We recently acquired our first mini-van, a Toyota Sienna. So we decided to drive to ABQ as a 3-day trip. We drove to Memphis on the first day and had a nice visit with Laura's grandmother, Mama Ruth. The next day we drove to Oklahoma City and had a nice dinner with my business partner and his gracious family. Finally, we arrived in Albuquerque to stay at my parent’s house.

Is it possible for a rest-stop to be a highlight of our journey? I was so impressed with a rest-stop in Texas (after Amarillo?). The rest-stop is built underground (under a mound of earth) to serve as a tornado shelter. It has the following features: windmill to generate power for itself, a mini-museum featuring windmills, a very nice playground, and a scenic view not visible from the highway.

Here are some pictures of our journey to ABQ.

How many times have I told you to keep your gum in your mouth?

Great little traveler, at least until the sun goes down!

Rest Stop - Texas Style!

(the main "building" is under the mound in the background)

Windmills along the distant horizon in OK

Clines Corner's Billboard in NM

Connor grabs a nap

Finally in ABQ!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm already looking forward to our next road trip out west.

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