Giant Bounce Pillow - Very Cool!
Brandon, Daniel, and Ryan - Boing!
Noelle Considers Brandon
A New Friend - Nice Goat
Goat Climbing Towers - Awesome!
Cranking a Treat to the One Horned Surly White Goat
One Horned Surly White Goat Waits for Treat

Aerial View of 2006 Corn Maze2007 Corn Maze
We were lost in the corn maze for 1.5 hours! Early on, we kept running into this young couple ("Hey, you look familiar". "Have we met before?" Ha, Ha, Ha). We did not see them again for quite some time, maybe 45 minutes, and we finally ran into them again. We said, "Wow, you are still in here, too?". They said, "No, we made it out, ate some lunch, and now we are back in again!" I think we should have followed them. We have an all-terrain stroller, but it was difficult to navigate Noelle in the stroller because the corn maze had deep grooves for irrigation (~12 inches wide). My forearms received quite the workout! You are provided with trivia questions (you chose the topics in advance) in conjunction with numbered signs within the maze to give you clues as to the right direction (watching television in the 70s finally pays off).
Haunted Halloween Corn Maze for Night - No Thank You!
Low Tech Go-Cart Racing!
Daniel Lassos a Metal Cow (far left) as Ryan Looks On
Connor - Free Spirit!
We Really Enjoyed the Pumpkin Patch Safari
Here is our new elephant friend, nudging our SUV (too cute!!!)
Okay, the Pumkin Patch Safari picture is a joke. The next blog will be devoted to the ABQ Balloon Fiesta!