Friday, January 11, 2008

Lioness of Soddy Daisy / Connor Quotable

Like a little lioness of the Serengeti, the neighbor's small "tiger cat" stalks insects and other small creatures, teases our dog beyond the fence, and watches us from the trees or cover of foliage. She is fun to watch.

Out of curiosity, she sometimes wanders into our backyard. Recently, she ventured onto our deck, and Connor, who loves cats, bolted out to see her. She, of course, ran to the relative safety of her yard. Laura instructed Connor on subtle methods of engaging an animal in friendship. Next, Connor sat on the steps and began quietly talking to the cat now sitting just beyond the fence.

"Here kitty-kitty. Here kitty-kitty. I taste like chicken."

1 comment:

Laura said...

I want to clarify that I only instructed Connor to sit down and sweetly sing "Here kitty-kitty" to the cat. He came up with the chicken line all by himself. Isn't he clever. :)

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