Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pandora Internet Radio

Last year, Laura introduced me to Pandora Internet Radio ( Pandora's mission is to play only the music you like. You create highly customizable radio stations based initially on favorite artists or songs. Pandora is song-centric, so creating radio stations based on songs is best. A given radio station begins to learn your preferences because you have the option to give a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down to a particular song. A thumbs-down will immediately result in skipping to the next song. If you are tired of a favorite song, you can retire it for a month. You also have the option to buy songs. Pandora is free, because the site runs ads. However, you can pay a modest annual fee to use the service free of ads.

My discussion covers a few basics, but there is so much more to the experience. It is really easy to get started (Do you have 10 seconds to spare? Actually, I know you do, because you are reading this blog!). I enjoy listening while working and I have been introduced to numerous new artists and songs. I highly, highly, recommend Pandora to any music lover. Pandora has competitors, I know, but I really can't add anything in the way of a comparison. I have not been this excited about music since my parents bought me a one-speaker 8-track tape boom-box to play KISS and RUSH tapes!

Friends, if you join Pandora, let me know. I'm looking for folks to add to my list of Pandora friends for online sharing.


Scott said...

Love Pandora! You had mentioned it before, but I (being the lazy person I am) never took the time to look it up. I typed in Bob Marley, and now I get all of the Reggae tunes I want to listen to while I work. It's nice to have the island vibe going through the cube.

Scott said...

Love Pandora! You had mentioned it before, but I (being the lazy person I am) never took the time to look it up. I typed in Bob Marley, and now I get all of the Reggae tunes I want to listen to while I work. It's nice to have the island vibe going through the cube.

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